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The Sokule Submit Wizard Will...

Increase Your
Website Revenue!

Now your members can submit their messages to 79 top Social Media Site and Targeted Blogs with 1-click and never leave your website.

The Sokule Submit Wizard Does All The Work!

You sit back and collect the cash!

What is it..?

The Sokule Submit Wizard is a powerful submission tool you can add to your website in seconds. It allows your members to submit their messages up to 5 times a day to 79 top Social Media Sites and Targeted Blogs.

1 Post - 1 Click - Your members' message will be all over the web in a nano second.

Each time your members submit their 500 character message to the Sokule Sumit Wizard it is see on all of the large popular social media sites. The wizard then pings 33 top weblog sites so the search engines can pick up their message easily and quickly. That gets your member's the action they need and keeps them coming back for more.

How easy is it..?

Super Easy! All you need to do is create a separate blank page on your website, add our simple iframe code, and presto you are ready to start making a lot more money. You can literally do this in seconds.

How much will it cost me..?

It's FREE to you as a site owner. You member's pay $29.95 a month to use the Sokule Submit Wizard at your site.

How much can I earn with it..?

You can earn a 40% residual commission each month. Your member's register via your affiliate link which is embeded in the wizard code. This is the perfect way for you to increase your residual income and keep your members excited and engaged at your site.

Does my site qualify..?

If you have a social network site or a membership site with 5,000 or more subscribers - your site qualifies.

How do I get the code..?

Click here to login to your Sokule account and go to Web Codes to get your code now...

Not a Sokule Member - Signup now...


The Sokule Submit Wizard is a Product of Sokule Inc.
All Rights Reserved.

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